2D and 3D Graph Plot

2D and 3D Graph Plot

Create different types of graphs (curves, surfaces) to represent simple mathematical functions and their derivatives.


Select the range for the x-axis (horizontal axis). The default value is from -10 to 10. When plotting a 3D graph, you will select a range for both x and y-axis.

Range selection

Then select the function to plot, or insert a custom one.

Select the function to plot


If you write a custom function, it is important to use the dot notation. Examples: x.sin(x) x.^2 2sin(x)

To plot the function, click the "Plot" button. The "Clear" button will clear the graph.

Plot and clear

With the 3D plot, you can drag the graph to rotate the view, and zoom in and out with your mouse wheel. To export a graph, click on the save as icon.

Export the graph
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